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*The purchase of this item includes 1 Full Score, + 3 individual parts, + the fixed media electronics files (delivered by email).

Line of Cycles | for voice performer, piano, tuba and fixed media electronics ( c.11'30'' )

Music | Gerson de Sousa Batista

Cover Painting | Vilma de Sousa Batista


About the work (EN)


LINE OF CYCLES!, is a staged concert for female voice, piano, tuba and electronics, which focuses on current themes, such as the migratory crises in Eastern Europe, COVID-19, the tensions between Ukraine and Russia the Myanmar coup d'état and extremism in the 21st century, and which was premiered on December 11 in Tokyo at Tokyo Arts and Space by Satoko Inoue, Kanae Mizobuchi, and Kota Sakamoto in the final of the Keiko Yoneda International Composers Competition 2021.


Fun fact: The piece (during its entire 12 minutes) is composed of only one major chord.

No, it's not 1 key, it's just ONE CHORD, C major in this case (C E and G), from beginning to end.



Sobre a peça (PT)


LINE OF CYCLES!, é um concerto encenado para voz feminina, piano, tuba e eletrónica, que se foca em temáticas actuais, como as crises migratórias na Europa de Leste, as tensões entre a Ucrânia e a Rússia, a COVID-19, o golpe de estado de Myanmar e os extremismos no século XXI, e que foi estreado a 11 de Dezembro em Tóquio no Tóquio Arts and Space por Satoko Inoue, Kanae Mizobuchi, and Kota Sakamoto, na final do Keiko Yoneda International Composers Competition 2021.


Curiosidade: A peça (durante todos os seus 12 minutos) é composta apenas e só por um acorde maior. Não, não é 1 tonalidade, é um acorde apenas, dó maior neste caso (C E e G), do início ao fim.


Line of Cycles

47,50 €Preço
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